Lakdasa wickramasinghe biography definition

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He taught English at the University of Kelaniya; translated Mandelstam and Lorca into Sinhala; wrote during the first tumultuous decades of an independent Sri Lanka; published Missing: definition.
lakdasa wickramasinghe biography definition

Lakdasa wickramasinghe biography definition

"Lakdasa Wikkramasinha" published on by null.

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Lakdasa Wickramasinghe's popular poem"THE FOLK POET YSSINO", in narrative style, consisting of names and idiomatic phrases of the folk in the rural areas; their attitudes Missing: definition.
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Lakdasa Wickramasinghe, though he has an 'aristocratic ancestry' has highlighted the pathetic state of the poor villager, the under-privileged in the local society and the kind Missing: definition.