Margaret mead anthropologist biography template

Margaret mead theory of culture

When Margaret Mead died in , she was the most famous anthropologist in the world.

margaret mead anthropologist biography template

Margaret mead theory

Margaret Mead’s biography is an example of an interesting journey of a person coming from a psychology background transitioning into anthropology.

Margaret mead anthropology

Biography of Margaret Mead Margaret Mead (December 16, – November 15, ) was an American cultural anthropologist who featured frequently as an author and speaker in the mass media during the s and the earned her bachelor's degree at Barnard College of Columbia University and her M.A. and Ph.D.

Margaret mead husband
The American anthropologist (a scientist who studies human beings and their origins, distribution, and relationships) Margaret Mead developed the field of culture and personality research and was a leading influence in introducing the concept of culture into education, medicine, and public policy.